Fulfillment Ratios – Annual Dividends and Special Bonuses

The following includes non-guaranteed Annual Dividends/Special Bonuses fulfillment ratios for products which have issued new policies since 2010, and still have policies inforce in the reporting year 2023. Fulfillment Ratios are calculated up to the respective policy anniversary in the current reporting year.

Annual Dividends – The ratio of aggregate actual accumulated non-guaranteed Annual Dividends and Interests on both actual Annual Dividends and Guaranteed Cash Coupons at their respective Policy Anniversary in year 2023 against the respective illustrated amounts at the point of sale for all relevant policies that were still in-force as of the end of year 2023.

Special Bonuses – The ratio of aggregate payout of special bonuses against the illustrated amounts at the point of sale for all relevant policies terminated in reporting year 2023.

For the purpose of calculation of fulfillment ratios, it is assumed that:

  • Policies that had applied reduced paid-up are excluded from the calculation of fulfillment ratios
  • All annual dividends (if any) declared are left with the Company for interest accumulation since policy issuance
  • All guaranteed cash coupons (if any) paid are left with the Company for interest accumulation since policy issuance
  • All guaranteed monthly annuity payments (if any) and non-guaranteed monthly annuity payments (if any) paid are left with the Company for interest accumulation since policy issuance
  • There is no change in Sum Insured/Notional Amount of the Policy since policy issuance

Please be reminded that the dividend / bonus history is not an indicator of future performance of our participating products.

Fulfillment Ratios 
Fulfillment Ratios 


Fulfillment ratios may not be applicable due to one or more of the following reason(s):

N/A (1):  No relevant policy was actually terminated in the respective policy year.

N/A (2):  The amount of accumulated annual dividends and interest or special bonuses illustrated at the point of sale up to the respective policy year as of the current reporting year is zero for the relevant policies.

N/A (3):  The product was not yet launched.

N/A (4):  The product was closed to sales.

N/A (5):  No relevant policy is in-force with the respective policy year as of the current reporting year.